Discover The Chase

The Chase Paperback

The Chase (out 16 February 2023) is the UK edition of Alias Emma book one. 

I’ve been getting emails from people asking if The Chase is book two in the Alias Emma series, so I wanted to put up a quick post to explain that it is book one. Book two in the series will come out this summer.

In the US and Canada, and elsewhere in the world, book one is simply called Alias Emma, but in the UK Alias Emma is the name of the series, and book one has its own title and a distinctive look. My UK publishers felt Alias Emma didn’t really work as a book title here. It’s just a feeling, I think, more than anything. Titles are really tricky, and Alias Emma has worked very well elsewhere, but readers in the UK found it a bit confusing. So, my publishers are re-branding the series. Going forward it will have a really distinctive look, and the titles will match up nicely. So if you have a first-edition UK hardback of Alias Emma, hang onto it! It could be worth something someday.

It’s not unusual for a book to be called something different in the UK from the US, but it can be confusing when it happens. I like both titles, so I can’t complain too much. It really gets across the plot – which is a race against time and against the odds. And that cover really grabs me.

Book two will also have a different title in the UK from the US, but that’s for a future article. In the meantime, if you haven’t read it yet, get your hands on a copy of The Chase, in bookshops from 16 February!


The Chase — out now


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